Welcome to the Dennis Allen web site! This Internet web site serves many purposes. In addition to promoting myself and my freeware, I created this web site to help my clients. The freeware section, for example, has the latest software needed to maintain my FoxPro applications.
This web site has become a source of reference material for FoxPro 2.6 and Visual FoxPro programmers. I'm proud of my FoxPro 2.6 cross-platform work and particularly proud of the FoxPro 2.6 for Unix on Linux work.
I hope you will find this web site useful. Be sure to check the Sample Code section. It contains FoxPro, QuickBasic, and JavaScript code/utilities. You might find something of interest. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
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Copyright © 2013 Dennis Allen.
This web page was last updated 07/03/13